Hello World

Words For Visitors

Posted by Li Yinan on September 7, 2024

Welcome to my new website.

Introduction And My Vision

First of all, thanks for visiting Lya’s website. I mainly use it to post about my life and personal thoughts. I’d also like to use it to meet more like-minded people. This year I’m planning to apply to graduate school for mechanical/automation in North America, so I hope this site can be a platform to expand my social circle.

If this is your first time here, don’t miss my About page. It focuses on my confusion and pursuit of my interests over the past few years. I consider the confilct between personal interests and career goal to be the main line in my college experience.

You’ll find the comments section on the About page and under each post. Feel free to share your own thoughts. If you’d like to know more about me, just send me an email or follow me on social media. I usually read emails more frequrntly and can respond sooner.

Right now, I’m mostly focused on graduate school applications, discussions related to school choosen, admission cases etc are highly apperacitated. Also, feel free to contact me, making more friends is one of my goal to establish this website

And finally, enjoy!








This website is forked from Xuan Huang’s related github repo.
